Now Project

~Personality Type Research Project~

I am taking on this project for ICAR. The intent of the project is to see if there is any consistency in personality types and traits among individuals who purse the topic of UFO’s and Extraterrestrials as an area of interest. You can be a contactee, an abductee, an individual with a sighting, or simply interested in this subject area to participate. The listed sites are free I already checked.

I do not use people’s names or contact them for further information. I will leave this as an open survey for three months and have the results published on the ICAR site a month later. An approximate finish date would be February 1st, 2011.

Thank you for your participation.

November Hanson, ICAR Oregon state director.

The three steps to participate in the project are:

1st  Go to this website take the personality test and find out what your four letters are, such as, INTJ. I tested the site for accuracy. It should provide you with the correct answer as long as you are honest with yourself in answering the questions.

2nd  Go to this website click on learn about Keirsey’s Temperaments. Use your four letters identifying your personality type to find your temperament. For Instance INTJ is “The Rationale”, click on your four letters, INTJ is “The Masterminds”, and from there you will see the person is identified as “The Scientist”.

3rd  Send your results by typing your results in the box at the bottom of this page and then hit the "submit" button. The email should identify your specific interest a contactee, abductee, sighting, just likes the subject, country of origin, and the personality information. An example would be:  Sighting, Canada, INTJ, The Rationale, The Mastermind, and The Scientist.

The estimated time it would take someone to complete this is about fifteen minutes.

Again, thank you for your participation.