I am an experiencer of many forms of paranormal activity and have been since I was a child.  Many times I have been given pieces of a puzzle and it has been up to me to put the pieces together to assimilate them into some order leading to new understanding and new theories for me.

    One area of fascination for me is the concepts of multiple dimensions and how they may or may not correlate with our human experience in conjunction with alien visitation, influence and/or interference. 

    The first piece of the puzzle given to me was a few years back, in the early 1990’s. I was in mental contact with an alien who became known to me as SeanLa.  This alien was somewhat similar to what is referred to as “the greys” but he was taller and very white fleshed. His ship was a round saucer shape that could carry up to 5 aliens but he usually traveled alone.   Thinking about the standard argument by scientists of how alien visitation here to Earth was impossible because of the time it would take for anyone from another galaxy to reach us, I asked SeanLa how he traveled from his home planet to here.  His reply,  “BY THOUGHT,” was simple (for him) but not really understood by me and he would not elaborate on it.  I just tucked that information away.

    The next piece of the puzzle came in a very weird way and in a way that really scared me for a bit.   I used to take a walk every night at 10 P.M.  I had my usual route that took about 55 minutes to complete.  As I was on the return leg of my walk one night, I suddenly felt as though I was moving in slow motion – I felt completely exhausted and could hardly put one foot in front of the other.  It was as if I had been walking for hours and my feet seemed to weigh a ton each!  I saw a movement to my right and about 100 feet in front of me. There was an alien being walking up out of the ditch and moving to cross the road.  He looked at me and smiled, then proceeded across the road.  Suddenly, all things were back to normal for me and the alien was gone. 

    Another piece of the puzzle was given to me in 2003.  Working as a landscaper, I have several clients an hours drive or more from home.  One day I was working in Lunenburg on the South Shore of Nova Scotia.  I knew, from traveling this route many times, I was exactly one hour from the town to my driveway.  It didn’t seem to matter how fast I drove I could only shave off a minute or two at most.  This one day, I dropped a friend off at her apartment  after a meeting and looked at the clock in the car as I pulled away so I would know what time I would be getting home.   I got on the main highway from exit 11 as usual and made my way to exit 5 where I get off.  I can remember thinking as I was driving past exit 9 that I should phone my husband and tell him I was on my way, but decided to wait until exit 6, which puts me exactly 30 minutes from home.  The next thing I can remember is the sensation of “coming to” with the car driving down the road and me not having a clue as to where I was.  I was completely disoriented and then the exit 5 sign came into view!  I looked at the clock in my car and saw that the amount of time that had passed did not correlate at all with where I was on the road.  I phoned my husband to confirm the time and the car clock was right.  I pulled in my driveway exactly 20 minutes sooner than was possible for me to make it home.  

    This summer, while coming home from the same area and working on a theory, I deliberately tried to re-create that time lapse episode.   I was partially successful in that I had a time lapse of about 6 minutes.

    The last piece of the puzzle to put in place involved my favourite hobby which is paranormal photography.  I seem to have this quirk of having the ability to capture energies on film and with my digital camera.  My neighbour asked me to bring my camera over to see if I could find any signs of paranormal energy in her house.  I did a preliminary shoot then uploaded the photos in the computer.  There was some indication of activity so I returned to her home and did more shooting with the digital camera.  That time, she came back over to my house as I uploaded the photos.  When I brought one particular photo up, she pointed to an object in the trees in her back yard that was showing through the shot of her patio doors and asked me what THAT was.   I told her it must be her bird house in the tree, which was fine with her except she didn’t have a birdhouse on the property!  We enlarged the photo and a building was clearly visible sitting on a tree branch.  You could see the very clear roof line and full side of the barn type structure. 

    Puzzles!  Out of these pieces, here is what I put together:  It is a scientific fact that other dimensions do exist – we all know this.  I theorize that the same number of dimensions within the universe are also reflected here on Earth and some of these dimensions here on Earth are inhabited.  My experience that night on the walk was me being taken into another dimension.  Each dimension has a different vibrational level.  For example, lets say on a scale of one to ten, we here in this dimension vibrate at, say, a 5; the dimension I was taken to in order to have that experience with that “alien” may vibrate at a much slower rate like a 3.  That is why I felt as though I was in slow motion.  It is possible some of the alien experiences here on Earth are actually from beings also inhabiting this same sphere but from a different dimension than us.

    I believe the building I captured with the camera in my neighbours yard is a real building existing in another dimension.  There has never been a building on that property before so I was not capturing energy “residue” from the past.  I feel this building is not in the same dimension as I experienced that night on the walk but within a totally different one.  Different neighbours of mine have experienced some things which lead me to believe there is a “thinning of the veil” between our dimension and a parallel one so we have something that can be described as an “overlapping” of dimensions. 

    I have come to the conclusion it is a very simple matter for aliens to travel back and forth from their home planet and or dimension to our Earth and that SeanLa was right on the money when he said they travel “by thought”.  I finally understand what he was referring to and my experiences of the “time shifts” – the lost time while driving, brought me to that conclusion.   I theorize there is one dimension in particular that is used solely for intergalactic and inter-dimensional travel.  Anyone (or alien) who knows, can simply focus on a destination and “think” their way into this travel dimension and end up at their desired destination at literally a “blink of the eye.”  Time, space, distance do not exist there and have no meaning or any bearing on the ability to travel billions of light years in seconds.   Throughout history, alien visitations have been recorded through literature and paintings.  As this is the case, they have to have a way of traveling back and forth with ease.  This “travel dimension” solves the logistical problem involved.

  Now, as to the possible holographic properties of our experience here on Earth – THAT is another story and theory!

Submitted by:

Debbie Wolfe-Fisher,  Nova Scotia