Two Levels of Abductions?
By: Debora Wolfe-Fisher (Thellie)
      There are two different types of alien abductions happening to humans here on earth.  The first type is the physical abductions. This is the one where the abductees physical body, in- tact, is taken to an alien ship. Once there, the aliens do their poking and prodding, take samples, impregnate human females and later remove the fetus for their breeding program and whatever else they want to do.

     Many abductees have traumatic memories of these episodes and feel the violation that comes with being taken in this manner. They can wake up with evidence of these abductions by way of finding scars and scratches some find implants, scoop marks and bruises on their body.  Their physical body underwent a trauma and this trauma is usually repeated during the abductee’s lifetime. 

    The second type of abduction is not quite as understood as the physical one and in order to fully understand it, one must acknowledge and understand the makeup of the human “body”. This second type I am speaking of is the “abduction” of the human SPIRITUAL soul. 

    When we are in the physical world, we have TWO distinct bodies – the flesh and blood physical one which is our conscious level and within this physical “shell” we have our spiritual body – our “soul”. This body acts as our sub-conscious level and is a conscious energy. When this soul level is removed from the physical body, it has full consciousness, awareness of identity and thought processes.  It also can retain memories of experiences it has had separate from the physical and bring these memories back to the whole body.

    This is the second type of “abduction” – that of this spiritual body.  The aliens have the ability to also remove this level of consciousness to interact with it.  However, this type of abduction is completely different from the physical ones due to the property of the soul. This level cannot be poked and prodded; cannot be impregnated; cannot be scared and bruised and most importantly of all, CANNOT be held against its will! I have called this type of abduction “VOLUNTARY ABDUCTION”. 

  The VA’s have got to be for an entirely different purpose from the first type. It must be more on an informational exchange basis as this is the only thing that can be done on this level. But, an exchange of what, ideas, ideals, instruction?  I do not know for sure.  What I do know for sure, however, is that these VA s can only be done with the consent of the individual soul.  If the soul does not want to be roused from its shell and have this exchange it can just stick its tongue out at the alien and return to the shell!

    This brings up another interesting probability: an abductee may think they are only taken a very few times when in fact, they may be interacting with the aliens on multiple occasions and on a regular basis through the soul.   Also, for those who think they have managed to stop the abductions entirely, this may not be the case at all.  They certainly may have stopped the physical ones, but the spiritual ones can very well be continuing to happen.  I, personally, suspect they DO continue without the knowledge of the conscious mind.  Only the soul itself can inhibit or stop this type of VA.

    Will the day come that the veil between the conscious and sub conscious experiences be removed?  I think so and, probably has for many. They may not understand consciously what is taking place and think all the experiences are physical but they aren’t.

    As with anything I write, this is my opinion and taken from what I have learned along my journey of understanding – it is up to the reader to either accept or reject it.  I have no desire to put my understanding on others…..