I.C.A.R. is an investigational organization. If you have had any U.F.O. sightings, or have experienced alien contact, please contact us.  We will have an investigator in your area look into it.

Here is a list of some things we consider to be good U.F.O. criteria and what you should look for in a U.F.O. sighting:

- Try to find something nearby that you can compare
the size to.

- Try to get as close as you can without putting
yourself in danger.

- Get as much detail as you can, be sure to look at every part of the ship and then write down what you saw or tape it.

- Try to keep a camera handy or a video camera and remember lights in the sky that are far away will not make for very good sightings, so on those be sure to watch for strange behavior, like unusual turns or drops/rises in altitude. It helps if there is another object in the vicinity such as a jet or airplane for perspective.

- On sightings that are up close, try to notice if there are problems with time being out of sync. See if you can get a magnetometer or a geigercounter and learn how and when to use it.

Here is a list of some criteria we consider in looking at abduction cases:

If you have missing time, time acceleration, strange dreams, scars that you do not know where they came from, and sightings.

Our Service
International Community for Alien Research

We are the premier investigative organization for U.F.O., Alien, and Abductee Research