ICAR News Letter - Issue #2

Support the Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort
Support the Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort
International Community for Alien Research
Memorial to September 11, 2001 Tragedy
Two Levels of Abductions?
By: Debora Wolfe-Fisher (Thellie)

   There are two different types of alien abductions happening to humans here on earth.  The first type is the physical abductions. This is the one where the abductees physical body, in- tact, is taken to an alien ship. Once there, the aliens do their poking and prodding, take samples, impregnate human females and later remove the fetus for their breeding program and whatever else they want to do.
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What I.C.A.R. Wants to Accomplish

DNA Analysis of "Alien" Organic Artifact

Underwater UFOS

Travis Walton What Really Happened

Parallel Dimension / Travel Theory

The Evolution of studying the possibilities surrounding UFO's and Extraterrestrials  

Blood Types in Connection to the Alien Phenomenon
Contactee Interaction
By: November Hanson (dimensionalstar)
   Historically people who have had interactions with an unknown source such as extraterrestrials lived private lives with their experiences and had very little opportunity to explore what was happening to them. Those who braved the public eye were often ridiculed labeled with a wide variety of mental disorders and often institutionalized. Time has changed that perception for many. Still there are those who would belittle people doing nothing more than pursuing their interest in UFO and extraterrestrial phenomenon.
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The Alien Presence Education Program?
By: ICAR Southwest Regional Director
Dee Andrew

   Just recently I was re-reading Jenny Randles book “The UFO conspiracy” when I came across a passage I had forgotten. It tells how Ms. Randles was having a conversation with a “source in the House of Lords” who told her that in essence there was an “education program” working to educate the general public on the subject of the reality of UFO’s and aliens. At the time I didn’t give it much thought, but in hindsight, I have come to think that what was said to her was the truth.

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