(The personal information below is required if you want I.C.A.R. to contact you for further information about your abduction.)
City, State, Zip:
Information about your experience
Month Day, Year:
Approximate Time:
Please use military form for the time. For example, 00:20 is 12:20 a.m., and 23:30 is 11:30 p.m.
How long did the experience last (hrs):
Details of the weather where this experience happened please check all that apply:
If other, please explain :
Did the experience happen near any landmarks/establishments:
If other, please explain :
Enter the country in which the experience occurred:
Enter the state and county in which this experience happened:
Enter the name of the town or city nearest to where the experience occurred:
Were any electromagnetic signals affected during this experience:
If other, please explain:
Were any lights affected during the experience:
If other, please explain:
Were there any engines affected during the experience:
If other, please explain:
What were you doing at the time of the expereience:
Was the operation of any vehicle affected during the experience:
If other, please explain:
Was the functionality of any instrument or device affected during the experience:
If other, please explain:
Were there differences in the environment during the experience:
If other, please explain:
Were there any animals present at the time of the experience:
If other, please explain:
What, if any, was their reaction to the experience:
If other, please explain:
What color was the Extraterrestrial Entity (ET):
How tall was the ET:
Have you ever been in psychiatric care at all in the past 10 years:
Age in years when the abduction happened:
Are you male or female?:
Did you hear any sounds associated with your experience:
If other, please explain:
If you had contact with ET, what did they feel like:
Were there any physical marks left by your experience:
If yes, please explain:
If you have any photographic evidence of what happened, you can send a copy to us by E-mail at icar@cox.net.
During the experience what kind of psychological effects did you have:
After the experience what kind of psychological effects did you have:
If other, please explain:
If other, please explain:
During the experience what kind of physical effects did you have:
After the experience what kind of physical effects did you have:
If other, please explain:
If other, please explain:
Did they appear to be wearing clothing? If so, please describe:
Describe what the ET you came in contact with looked like:
What do you remember seeing:
Has anything like this ever happened to you before? If so, please describe:
Have you had any other odd experiences, even if they don't seem to be linked with your most recent experience? If so, please describe:
Please provide any additional information, as detailed as possible:
Explain your abduction in as much detail as you can. Please try and recall every detail. What does not seem significant to you may be significant to I.C.A.R.:
Do you feel/hear a buzzing noise when you turn on or are around any electronic equipment (i.e., television, computer, telephone, etc)?
International Community for Alien Research
We are the premier investigative organization for U.F.O., Alien, and Abductee Research