Jojomon1:  Room owner. I am an abductee investigator with 24 years of experience in U.F.O. and abductee investigations and I am the national director of the International Community for Alien Research (I.C.A.R.) and one of the many room hosts. I will also be starting a new ufo radio show in New Orleans and we hope to be putting it on the net as a web cast. Hope you enjoy our room and our radio show. Feel free to contact me at
de_dragon8: United States National Director for ICAR and Admin in the UFO Alien Phenomena room on Pal Talk. I have been studying UFO's and the history of sightings for 30 years. I am a trained abduction and UFO sighting investigator and coordinator of abduction and sighting case reports for ICAR in the southwestern United States. I can be reached at:

Instant_Karma: I am a Co-Admin on Paltalk for the UFO Alien Phenomena room. Interested in Ufology and research into the phenomenon primarily after being overflown by an "interesting vehicle" in 1998 and due to the personal experiences of a special someone very dear to me. 5 years experience with sightings, sighting reports and abductee/contactee interviews. I can be contacted at or via ICQ, UIN 3040565.
Alldric_Druce:  I am an Admin for the U.F.O. Alien Phenomena Group.  I have been interested in Ufology and parapsychology since 1981.  I am also interested in other types of unexplained mysteries such as the Loch Ness monster, faeries and Bigfoot.  If anyone is interested in telling me their experiences I can be contacted at
Lindakeeper:  I am a Co-Admin in the U.F.O. Alien Phenomena Group on Paltalk.  I have been involved in alien abductions and U.F.O. research for over 20 years.  Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or want to share your experiences.
Awakening35:  I am a Co-Admin in the U.F.O. Alien Phenomena Group on Paltalk.  I have been a contactee for most of my life.  I am currently in training with I.C.A.R. to become a field investigator.  Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or want to share your experiences.
PsiPoet:  I am a co-admin for the I.C.A.R -UFO Alien Phenomena chat on Paltalk. Born into a West Virginia family with her grandmother, her mother and herself all having the "sight" as it is locally known. Joyce investigated paranormal activities from the age of ten when she had  disturbing and undeniable instances of these abilities. As an adult she majored in psychology in college and then studied metaphysics intensively. Since her major contact experiences from 1995 through 1998 she has turned her abilities and experience to the investigation of the activities of Extra Terrestrials on Earth and to helping other contactees.  She can be reached at
Eula-1: I have been interested in UFOs and related topics for a long time. Phenomenal and the unexplained fascinate me.  I also have a personal interest in the subject of UFOs and aliens.  I am interested not only in current sightings but in ancient accounts.  My email address is
I live in Oregon and have been involved in the Study
of UFO's and Extraterrestrials seriously for 6 years.
I have had unusual experience all my life that led me
to join a study group of others who have had similiar
or identical experiences.
I have watched the subject evolve over the last
several years and learned there is never too much to
learn about the subject.
I can be reached at:
Alien Techno
  Co-admin of the UFO Alien Phenomena room. I am an abductee/contactee and an abduction and UFO phenomenon researcher. Study of such phenomena began as early as age 14 after discovering a book in the school library that contained pictures of Foo Fighters photographed flying around WW2 fighter planes. I still remember the feeling I got when I realized that these things are real and not just a young mans imagination or bad dreams. Being able to finally point to something in reference to what I have been encountering since early childhood.
  Continuing my search for such phenomena I’ve researched such things as EBE's, UFO's and UFO sightings, Abductions, Witchcraft, Demons, Angels, Occultism, the 3rd Reich (mainly their advanced technology and National Socialism). The fascination of such phenomena continued all through high school (voted most likely to have been abducted senior class 83). To present day, I have been on the X-Zone radio program several times along with 3 appearances on the Wake up USA a UFO study internet radio program.
solarisiii I am one of the many Admins for the Paltalk room of the title U.F.O. Alien Phenomena.  I have been with the group since right after its beginning in Yahoo!  For my history with the topics of Aliens, (Abductions, Contacts, dreams of ETs, UFOs, IFOs, ETVs, ARVs, etc.), and other Phenomena and matters brought to my attention by friends who were contacted multiple times and by friends who had first hand knowledge of classified material, and the existence of ARVs, ETVs, etc, goto my Yahoo!-Geocities home page:
Pete 18-6-3I am 41 years old and live in Cairns, Australia. I have an intense interest in the occult and the paranormal and have been practicing ceremonial magick for some 22 years. I have belonged to numerous magickal orders and have practiced the magick of Alister Crowley, the 93 current, Golden Dawn, Hermetic Sciences, Voodoo, Enochian Magick, Chaos magick, Maatian magick, Kabala, Tarot, Necronomican magick, the Great  Old ones, the Forgotten ones, the Ancients and consider myself  to be an Adept. I come to ICAR because of a past life memory I have involving the Reptilians and feel passionate that the human race has yet to fully recognise its past and future with Alien species. I feel ICAR can be used to educate the human race of  its own ET involvement and in preparation for future direct contact. I am a Nursing student at University and fight competition Muay Thai.
  My name is Billy and I am the North Carolina Director for I.C.A.R., and Co-Admin in the ICAR UFO Alien Phenomena talk group found on Paltalk under the Social Issues category. My interests are in Ufology and alien encounters. I have a deep interest in the relationship of aliens and UFO's with historical locations on earth and religions. I am a contactee and I have had numerous UFO sightings that go back to when I was around 8 years old. I am interested in finding people that may have seen the same craft that I saw. A photograph of it would be excellent, since I have never seen a picture or a description that matches one of the first UFO's that I saw. I can be reached at ICARNC@GMAIL.COM.
International Community for Alien Research

We are the premier investigative organization for U.F.O., Alien, and Abductee Research
ICAR UFO Alien Phenomena
Chatroom Admins @
Perspectives can lead to a "knowing," an understanding about the extrodinary aspects of life seemingly obscured from drudgery of daily life and from the clouded mysteries of sleep.  I have always been inquisitive about my world and universe.  It is interesting how profound experiences, such as close encounters, can be readily dissmissed by the mind over the course of years, written off as "just merely a dream."  At the age of thirteen, just such a close encounter changed my perspective of the world, and led me to an understanding that humanity is not simply an isolated glimer in the whole of the celestial glory.  Denial, self-doubt and years both buried and dismissed a memory held twenty years previously.
I initially joined the paltalk chatroom for political conversations back in December of 2005.  My background in International Relations and politics first led me to the political rooms.  It was when I was recommended to the ICAR chat room by Solaris, that out of curiousity I entered into a whole new world of facination and intrigue.  Something awoken again inside me, and I was confronted with the need to face my old memory.

I began researching actual mass sightings such as the Battle of Los Angeles (1942), and the Pheonix Lights (1997).  I researched Projects Blue Book, Sign, and Grudge.  And then I was confronted with the work of people like Bud Hopkins who dealt with other people like myself who have had close encounter experiences.  I was led inexerably to the conclusion, that in no way were these isolated experiences.  Humanity has been dealing with these profound and monumentous events on a massive scale, on a geo-political scale and on a diplomatic scale.

The diplomatic angle most interested me.  I was interested to learn what protocols humanity has divised and implemented with respect to extraterrestrial life.  The exopolitics work of Dr. Michael Salla is ground breaking, in that astrobiology only goes so far.  Once contact is made, exopolitics begins where astrobiology leaves off.

Early this year I was honored by the admin staff of ICAR to be promoted as a room admin.  I do not take this lightly.  Every new person entering into the ICAR room has an opportunity to acheive a degree of understanding.  It is up to those with experience and knowledge to pass on what we have gained.  My future hope is one day to do field investigative work for either ICAR, MUFON or both.

taldwarf I am one of the newer Admins for the Paltalk room of the title UFO Alien Phenomena and also, the Wisconsin State Director for ICAR  I have been with the group about 6 months, maybe longer where Wake-UP USA was concerned. I was also a member of UFO Wisconsin, till it changed hands. I am not an Experiencer, but have learned a corrected great deal here.

I began reading on UFO's in 6th-7th Grade (I'm 55 now) and had developed a lot of stupid misnomers on the topic, till a few friends in an abduction group, Alien View on Yahoo, corrected those thoughts. I have seen some items or witnessed  6 events, which remain unidentified. I'm interested in all the areas that make up The Paranormal.
I had joined several other abduction/experiencer groups, just continually looking for further updated information, till I stumbled onto Joe Montaldo’s voice on Wake-UP USA. Here was a person who was talking about Aliens and giving more detail, openly, though guarded, than most others I had conversed with.

Being an illustrator/painter, (Dark Fantasy (Dungeons and Dragons), Science Fiction and UFO/Alien themed artwork, one of my quests in the group is to render this entities for others to see, i.e.,  The Police sketch artist, an extremely difficult process, were undertaking.
I prefer to be contacted at  but, is fine also, Subject: EBE
All original content - copyright 2003 ICAR