4.Have you been in the same job field or explored other ones?
•Yes (If yes which ones)
5.During a job interview did you know that you would get the job before you left? How many times did this happen?
•Yes (how many times)
6.Did you have an animal which appeared before you got a job or while working? Go to this web site and enter it below. Or a sign enter it below. http://holistichealthtools.com/totems.html
7.Do you have a mentor at your current job?
8.Was there a strong connection with this person?
9.Do you have a relative in the same occupation as you or other family members?
•Yes (who, mother, father, aunt, uncle)
10. Did you have a strong interest as a child in your current field of study?
11.Did you ever have any alien experiences which sparked this interest?
12.Do you recall any childhood experiences where you knew things in school and not understanding why? Such as answers or questions?
•Yes ( If yes at what age or grade)
•If yes Short explanation of what it was
13.Were you ever in an advanced placement classes?
14.Were you ever in a split class such as 2nd/3rd or something similar?
15.Did you ever have an extraterrestrial experience where you later found it in a book or on the news?
16.Were you ever put in a situation where you were part of a “big changing moment”? Or controversial? At school or work?